Always remember:
BE Kind, BE Fair, BE Honest, BE True
and all these things will come back to you

Our Library is a repository of information on all the subjects we are interested in or concerned about - and we want to share this information with similarly minded people - like you!
It is in our Library where we've made it possible to sort and find articles on our expanding list of subjects and topics. And the articles originate from an expanding list of respected sources.
The subjects and topics relate to many of the issues which we can all see as NOT currently right in our world today.
Refreshingly, the subjects and topics also relate to a NEW World - where the problems of the OLD are considered to be undesired and ripe for letting go. These subjects and topics include NEW ways of doing things and NEW ways of living in harmony with each other, nature and our home planet.
And what it contains is:
Our previously published
NEWS Articles and MAGAZINE Articles
Our Bank Repository - an equally MAJOR asset
Articles NOT published but held for reference.
The LIBRARY and the BANK are contained in what we call THE HISTORY BOOK
Articles are arranged in different indices, according to Subject, Topics and Source.
Sources include the mainstream media
The People's Media - supplemented by an array of more obscure platforms and channels which aren't so readily findable through casual internet searches.
Given the Library and Bank are constantly updated and added to - it is increasing in value as a compendium of different views and insights.
With 1000s of records already amassed, each of the records can be easily accessed via our different directories and listing tools.
Referred to as records, the articles take different forms, including:
Downloadable PDFs
Links to website pages
Videos, Audios and Podcasts
This online resource of valuable and informative documentation is becoming a First Choice -Turn To resource for the inquisitive among us - as well as those with a passionate interest in
TRUTH and Positive CHANGE in our world.
If you - like us - are interested in these things, then we know you will enjoy our Library and the different Reading Rooms it offers.
Access to the Library is FREE.
We will soon be offering an alert service to alert you to new articles posted on the subjects, topics and themes you are most interested in.
To take advantage of this service, simply subscribe to our LIBRARY.
We look forward to welcoming you!
All we require is your:
name and
preferred email address
To complete your Sign-In process, you only need to respond to our WELCOME email - containing a Verification Code to be entered and returned within 15min.
On Sign-In, we will provide different options to choose from so we can better tailor our service for you.
Our promise to you is never to share or make available the personal details you provide us - and to unsubscribe you as a Member of the CONNECT Library on your notification.
In the meantime we look forward to having you join us in the Library. never sg